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Benjamin NGUYEN

Software engineer

Software engineer passionate by development and blockchain technologies

2006 - 2009
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines d´Alès : Elite professional school of sciences, engineering and management - FRANCE
2003 - 2006
Classes préparatoires : Three years of intensive training for highly selective entrance exams to scientific and engineering university-level schools - FRANCE
2001 - 2003
Baccalauréat with major in electronics - FRANCE
Professional Experiences
OneparkOct 2019 - Oct 2020
Car park Bookinga year
I worked on the react-native application. Most of the mobile application had already been developped by external people. We had to maintain it and add some features as well. Time to market was important on this application and to improve the velocity of the team we work with external team from ukraine. It was very interesting in terms of organization.
MattersApril 2018 - Sept 2019
Sartup studio1 year, 6 months
MCCIApril - Sept 2018
MCCI is a platform used by adherent of a health insurance company. They have access to practical informations about what to do in different moments of their lives (hospitalisation, new born, ...) as well as reimbursements. It's a health insurance company but with a real service and helpful advices. One typical day was:
  • Use the designs provided by the customer
  • Challenge it
  • Think about how we will create reusable components
  • Implement components in the storybook
  • Use the UI components in the application as a business components
  • Create unit/integration tests
TypescriptJavascript (Back)ReactStorybookNodejsGitlabCypress
This Application target the "Crédit Agricole" users. You might see this ad. It provides a way for the user to discover their patrimony. Once they realize they have one, the application suggest to make an appointement to see the banker in order to diversify their invest. My role was 30%/70% back/front.
MedylinkApril 2019 - Sept 2019
To tackle the problem of shortage of doctors Medylink create a platform where healthcare professionals communicate, share patients and delegate tasks. For example, a doctor can teleconsult and delegate basic screening test to a nurse. My role in this project in to create from scratch the UI of the application.
Typescript React Storybook Nodejs Gitlab Jest Cypress
ReezocarJan 2017 - March 2018
Search engine of second-hand car in Europe1 year, 2 months
In a really good ambiance of work, I participate to the rewrite of theReezocar website in React. The part I was in charge for was not used by customer directly but by car insurance experts. They leverage the huge amount of data hold by Reezocar to compute the right price to give back to their customer after a car crash. In parallel, an other big subject was the rewrite of the home CRM. I participated to the conception of this one. Mainly talked to the sales about what's good/bad in the curent CRM and what's need to be done for the future one. Then wrote some specifications and prioritize the work that's need to be done.
Real time sudoku solver
After Fizix, I took some time to learn Elixir. I wanted to have strong bases on it so I started by finishing the elixir channel on This is by far the best way I found to learn a language. Then I started sudoku-solver to solve this euler project as I explain why in my blog post. After that I was wondering who could feed my solver ? I could manually wrote the number but it's boring. I though a picture would be great. So I created this project. But as camera is a succession of images I created this Android App which this time solve the sudoku in real time.
C++ElixirAnsibleOpencvCmakeBoostAndroidAndroid Studio
FizixFeb 2016 - Jan 2017
Sports coaches for both personal and enterprisea year
I joined a friend in this adventure, the goal was to provide an entire platform to help sport coaches, customers and enterprises interact with each other. There were several web apps:
  • From the enterprise point of view, they could buy and create courses, notify employees, etc...
  • Each employee has a profile. They fill it up with general information and notify injuries.
  • Coaches get notified that they have new session and can see the list of participant. Like that they can adjust the program if they have for example a lots of knee injuries.
ClicRDVJuly 2012 - Feb 2016
Online appointment booking solutions in real time3 years, 7 months
I completely dive into the web world from this point. I met brilliant people who made me skilled, confident and more structured. As a web developer, I have been involved in all the project the company have. I could even run my own project which was a web app for mobile. As a open minded tech guy, I could also formed myself to the devops skill by creating a local development environment with containers for new comers.
International Experiences
March - May 2011
Clear2Pay Poland - Mission for Capgemini (2 months) - Warsaw (POLAND)
May - July 2008
Politehnica University of Bucharest - Intership (3 months) - Bucharest (ROMANIA)
June 2016
Iceland (11 days)
March - April 2014
New zealand (5 weeks)
July - August 2011
Peru - Bolivia (1 month)
http://thenounproject.comThe Noun ProjectIcon TemplateRemindersStrokesTry to keep strokes at 4pxMinimum stroke weight is 2pxFor thicker strokes use even numbers: 6px, 8px etc.Remember to expand strokes before saving as an SVGSizeCannot be wider or taller than 100px (artboard size)Scale your icon to fill as much of the artboard as possibleUngroupIf your design has more than one shape, make sure to ungroupSave asSave as .SVG and make sure “Use Artboards” is checked100px.SVG
My Interests
Problem solving
Martial Arts
Salsa Dance